2004 Hexen und Jujumänner. DVD 18 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Africa Screams. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth.
2004 Trailer. DVD 12 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Africa Screams. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth.
2002 TV-Ads from Ghana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. DVD 12 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Afrikanische Reklamekunst. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth.
2002 TV-Ads from Senegal and Ivory Coast. DVD 12 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Afrikanische Reklamekunst. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth.
1995 Afrikanische Reklamekunst (Video 23 min, Video). Production funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Distributed by the author.
1991 Leke watem adzra blikudo? (Comment protéger le mais grain?) Video 29 min. Educational film commissioned by GTZ. Distributed by Service de la protection des végétaux (SPV), Lomé.
1989 Bliwa dzadzrado kple atike (Protection du mais sur grenier). Video 20 min. Educational film commissioned by GTZ. Distributed by Service de la protection des végétaux (SPV), Lomé.
1989 Bliku sako dzadzrado kple atike (Protection du mais en sac). Video 10 min. Educational film commissioned by GTZ. Distributed by Service de la protection des végétaux (SPV), Lomé.
1988 Petatrotro-Fest: Die Besessenen tanzen ihre Geister. 16mm, 24 min. Distributed by IWF Wissen & Medien Göttingen (No. D 1690) (with Daniela Weise).
1988 Aufnahme des Novizen Kanyi in den Mami Wata-Kult. 16mm, 28 min. Distributed by IWF Wissen & Medien Göttingen (No. D 1691) (with Daniela Weise).
1982 Vodu – Heilung und Besessenheit in Togo. Video, 40min. Distributed by IWF Wissen & Medien Göttingen (No. W 1896) (with Daniela Weise).